Book Publications

A Teacher’s Playkit for Knowledge Building

Creative Ways to Make Students’ Ideas Come Alive

By Chew Lee Teo

Delving into the journey of teachers and students in the knowledge building classroom, Teo’s playkit offers practical approaches to making classrooms a place of knowledge creation.

Teo highlights the potential and possibility of idea-centric discourse and interactions in Singapore’s high-performing education system while offering a trilogue among researchers, teachers and students: the agents of a knowledge building environment in classrooms. Documenting case examples of knowledge building lessons in relation to the curriculum design and pedagogical decisions and moves, as well as the formative assessment, the book focuses on those 21st-century practices embedded within the knowledge building process. It comprises a series of teachers’ journeys in different subjects and grades, demonstrating the depth and breadth of projects that students are capable of pursuing in class when they are entrusted to work with their own ideas and questions. It also offers a collection of concrete tools and strategies for teachers to use to support knowledge building work. The different case examples support teachers in their design effort and will encourage the community of researchers and educators to continue to imagine the possibilities of pedagogical educational reform.

Written for practitioners, this playkit aims to engage the wider community of teachers to play with their own lesson ideas as they engage their students in knowledge creation.

Available now at Routledge and Amazon.

Navigating the Pedagogical Space for Knowledge Building Classrooms

Theories, Principles, and Practices

By Seng Chee Tan

Showcasing the design and implementation of knowledge building pedagogy, this book for educators and education researchers illuminates this future-oriented instructional and learning approach. In this Knowledge Age, innovation and creative knowledge works are central to the progress of a society; increasing the productivity of knowledge workers remains the main priority of competitive societies. Consequently, developing knowledge building capacity among students becomes one main goal of education.

Knowledge building aims to transform school education in a radical way by developing the culture of innovation and knowledge creation in classrooms, from preschools to universities. Knowledge building pedagogy focuses on sustaining idea improvement among students, who develop the collective cognitive responsibility to add value to the learning community. Developed since the 1990s, knowledge building is now a model of instructions researched and advanced with an international network of researchers, teachers, educators, engineers, and policymakers. Implementing the knowledge building approach requires educators to make decisions based on principles, rather than following prescriptive procedures that characterized most instructional models. Tan highlights the key pedagogical principles and discusses the critical design considerations. He also identifies the emerging research directions and developmental works related to knowledge building.

A must-read book for educators and education researchers who are interested in the design and implementation of knowledge building pedagogy.

Available now at Routledge.

Knowledge Creation in Education

Editors: Seng Chee Tan, Hyo Jeong So, Jennifer Yeo

This book arises from research conducted through Singapore’s National Institute of Education on such topics as integrating knowledge building pedagogies into Singaporean classrooms, with both students and teachers across school levels, from primary schools to high schools. Additionally, international scholars contribute research on theories of knowledge creation, methodological foundations of research on knowledge creation, knowledge creation pedagogies in classrooms and knowledge creation work involving educators. The book is organized in two sections. Section A focuses on theoretical, technological and methodological issues, where sources of justification for claims are predominantly theories and extant literature, although empirical evidence is used extensively in one chapter. Section B reports knowledge creation practices in schools, with teachers, students or both; the key sources of justification for claims are predominantly empirical evidence and narratives of experience The editor asserts that schools should focus on developing students’ capacity and disposition in knowledge creation work; at the same time, leaders and teachers alike should continue to develop their professional knowledge as a community. In the knowledge building vernacular, the chapters are knowledge artifacts – artifacts that not only document the findings of the editors and authors, but that also mediate future advancement in this area of research work. The ultimate aim of the book is to inspire new ideas, and to illuminate the path for researchers of similar interest in knowledge creation in education.

Available now at Springer.